Personal loans are not just for people with good and excellent credit. Individuals with bad credit can receive a personal loan as well. It can take a lot of research to find bad credit personal loans, but they can be obtained, even without a co-signer.
Your Local Payday Loan
One way that you can receive personal loans with bad credit is with a payday loan. A payday loan is a loan that you can receive if you have a valid checking account and a steady monthly income of at least $1,000. You can apply for payday loans online or through check centers in your local area. One online payday loan company that you may want to consider is at Personal Cash Advance. You can receive the money in your checking account in 24 hours or less. In order to start the process, you will need to fill out the form and include all of your personal information, including bank account information. The site is safe and secure.
Your Car Loan Company
Finance companies that you make your car payment at may offer you a loan. Your car will be used for collateral. You will need to contact the finance company to see if you can receive one of their personal loans. The loan officer will let you know how much money you may qualify for. It may be best to apply for a loan, if you have been in good standing with the company for at least two years.
You Local University
Go back to school and obtain your degree! When you apply for financial assistance, you may qualify for student loans, such an Unsubsidized and Subsidized loan. Once the school takes out the money to pay for your tuition, fees, and books, the rest will be mailed to you. You will receive a refund check in the mail in 30 days, if you are a new student. The money does not have to be repaid until after you graduate from school. The loan can be forgiven in certain situations.