Personal loans can come from a variety of sources, but one popular source for personal loans is a retirement account. It makes sense. It’s money you’ve been socking away to pay for your lifestyle to live out your golden years, but if you’re young and need money now, your golden years may feel far enough […]
Monthly Archives: August 2010
Survey Shows Debt Relief Services Might Receive Big Boost |
Consumers may be turning to debt relief services in greater numbers if a recent survey by Citi is to be believed. According to the survey, 62 percent of U.S. residents believe that the economy has not yet hit bottom. And consumers are getting more pessimistic as time marches on. Back in March, Citi took a […]
Use Credit Cards Wisely to Land your Dream Job |
If you think running up debt on your credit cards won’t affect your ability to one day find a job, think again. That’s because a growing number of employers check the credit histories of would-be hires. If those histories turn up a low three-digit credit score, the employers might move on to the next candidate, […]
A Personal Loan Calculator Has the Answers |
When you are setting out to secure a loan, a personal loan calculator can be of real help in determining various aspects of the loan, including such important things as monthly payments. Many people find it to be a very handy tool in helping them to decide how much to borrow, and for how long. […]