Consumers who owe a significant amount of money on their credit cards may think about taking steps to consolidate debt rather than face the calls of a collection agency. At least that seems to be the consensus of officials with the Federal Trade Commission. The Wall Street Journal recently reported that the commission is requesting […]
Monthly Archives: January 2011
Focus on Debt Reduction Continues to Rise |
There are more signs that consumers have learned their lessons and have taken steps toward debt reduction following the Great Recession. According to a new survey by American Express, a majority of U.S. consumers have not added to their debt levels in the last six months. This is good news: It means that consumers have […]
Personal Loans For Bad Credit When Times Are Tough |
Let’s face it, personal loans for bad credit seem to be a tough proposition at first glance. The truth is, the loans are typically available, it’s just how you go about securing one that can make the difference between getting a good loan, and a not so good loan. If you follow a few simple […]