When you are experiencing an emergency or need to purchase a personal item, the best personal loans to apply for are a student or payday loan. These are the best loans to receive, if you have bad credit. There is no credit check and the money can be easily deposited into your checking account. In order to apply for either a payday or student loan, you will have to do some research. Information on both of these loans can be found online or at your local public library. You can also obtain information from family and friends who may have gotten one of these loans.
Payday Loans
One of the best personal loans to receive are a payday loan. A payday loan is a temporary loan that you can receive online. There a number of cash advance companies online. Go to Urgent Cash Loan’s website and apply for the amount of money that you need. You can borrow up to $1,500. In order to apply for quick cash, you will need to have a monthly income of $1,000, checking account, currently employed, and a citizen of the United over the age of 18. Fill out the form. The form will ask you for everything, including your employment and bank information. In 24 hours, you will receive the money in your bank account. The money must be paid back in at least 90 days.
Student Loans
Student loans are some of the best personal loans to receive. There are two major types of student loans, including Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans. In order to apply for either one of the loans, you must be enrolled at an accredited school that is funded through the Department of Education. Fill out a FAFSA form. Your financial aid advisor will let you know if you qualify for a student loan. If so, you may have to fill out additional forms. You will receive your refund check in 30 days, if you are a new student and at least two weeks, if not. The money must be repaid once you graduate from college.