Personal loans for fair credit may seem difficult to obtain, but they aren’t. In order to find personal loans for fair credit, an individual can get a loan from an auto finance center, credit card company, or bank. You can start looking for personal loans for fair credit in your hometown. Getting a personal loan […]
Author Archives: loansandcredit
Things You Can Do To Get a Personal Loan Faster |
There comes a time in a person’s life when they will need to apply for personal loans because of an unexpected emergency. You may need to receive a loan as soon as possible. Some personal loans can be received quicker than others. It all depends on the financial institution. Most of the time if you […]
Better Personal Loans For People With Bad Credit |
It’s not impossible to get personal loans for people with bad credit, but getting the right loan, at the best rate, takes some know how. We’ve all gone through some ups and downs in our lives with our finances, but just because you may be a little down right now, it doesn’t mean that there’s […]
What Affects Personal Loan Rates? |
Personal loan rates have a big impact on whether consumers decide to take out a loan. Some of these loans are taken out of necessity for things like debt consolidation, college tuition, critical home repairs and such. Others are taken out for pleasurable things like new toys and vacations. You might think banks would always […]
Lower Interest Rates for Unsecured Personal Loans |
The cost of getting unsecured personal loans is going down; at least, for the time being. Early in 2011 several banks announced that they have dropped their rates for unsecured loans. Bank of America, Kaiser Federal and Wells Fargo, among others, have gotten into the act by offering rates starting as low as 2.99 percent […]
Are Personal Loans for Bad Credit Available for You? |
Getting personal loans for bad credit may be easier than it used to be. At this time, many banks and finance companies are opening the doors to customers who have less than perfect credit. This is understandable considering the economy of the world right now. The loan companies had to find a way to get […]
The Availability of Personal Loans for Fair Credit |
Personal loans for fair credit are available for consumers whose credit is not bad, but it is not that great, either. Bankers know that people go through tough times now and then, and that they need a little help. Though they may be reluctant to lend to someone with bad credit, they will often welcome […]
Responsible Credit Card User? Check your Free Credit Report |
Ditching your credit card, and paying for more of your purchases with cash or debit cards, sounds like a great idea, until, that is, you check your free credit report. That’s because using a credit card responsibly is one of the best ways to build a solid credit score. And today, lenders, whether they’re passing […]
Debt Consolidation Loans Can Stop the Harassing Phone Calls |
A debt consolidation loan might be in order if you’re facing calls from debt collection agencies on a daily basis, and if you dread finding another overdue notice in your mailbox. When you take out one of these loans – which consolidates all your monthly debt obligations into one monthly payment – the collection calls […]
Home Equity Loans Remain Alternative to Debt Consolidation |
With mortgage interest rates expected to remain low in the foreseeable future, home equity loans might remain a viable alternative to debt consolidation loans for consumers owing large amounts. A recent story by MarketWatch, the online financial news site run by the Wall Street Journal, reported that interest rates in general are expected to remain […]