Personal loans are a necessity sometimes. They are a great way to get the money you need to make ends meet, cover an unexpected expense, consolidate debt, etc. If you need a personal loan, then the higher your credit score, the lower your rates will be (in general). You have a variety of options available […]
Author Archives: loansandcredit
Debt Consolidation More Effective Than Mortgage Modifications? |
Is the federal government’s massive mortgage modification program little more than a giant debt consolidation program for struggling homeowners? And if that’s all it is, is it even working at providing debt relief to the homeowners who need it? A growing number of critics, ranging from angry bloggers to politicians to consumer advocates, are criticizing […]
The Columnists Are Right: Debt Consolidation Loans Require Research |
A debt consolidation loan can act as a financial lifesaver for consumers struggling to manage their revolving debt. Unfortunately, the debt consolidation industry does have its share of bad apples, companies that charge unreasonable fees to desperate consumers. It’s why the debt consolidation industry, along with payday lenders and debt settlement firms, has such a […]
Second Mortgages Losing Luster as Debt Consolidation Tools |
There was a time when homeowners took out second mortgage loans for debt consolidation purposes. They’d take out the loans and then use the cash to pay down their high-interest credit card debt. This made financial sense: Second mortgages came with far lower interest rates. Borrowers were swapping expensive debt for cheaper debt. Today, though, […]
Debt Consolidation Last Choice For Underwater Homeowners? |
It’s a statistic that might mean increased business for companies offering debt consolidation services: A growing number of homeowners across the country are underwater. This is something that you don’t want to be. It means that you owe more on your mortgage loan than what your house is worth. According to real estate Web site […]
Would A Debt Consolidation Loan Help The United States? |
Should the United States consider a debt consolidation loan? There’s little doubt, after all, that the country has overwhelming debt. If the United States was a consumer or a business, it’d be filing for bankruptcy protection right about now. Ben Bernanke, the chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve Board, expressed his own concerns about the […]
Choosing Debt Consolidation Instead Of Bankruptcy? |
People tend to think of consumers who file for bankruptcy as simply looking for an easy way out. But here’s a shocking fact: Only a small percentage of U.S. residents who need bankruptcy actually file for it. Most others handle their debts in other ways, including high-interest-rate debt consolidation loans. It’s true that the U.S. […]
Debt Consolidation Slowing the Economic Recovery? |
There’s a reason why the economy’s recovery seems so sluggish: Consumers are taking steps to reduce their debt and curtail their spending, doing everything from signing up for debt consolidation services to working with credit counselors to change their negative spending habits. This may be good for consumers who are finally getting a handle on […]
Debt Consolidation, Unemployment Worries Families |
It’s stressful raising a family today, what with the threats of debt consolidation loans, foreclosures and unemployment hanging over so many households. Ben Bernanke, chairman of the Federal Reserve, is well aware of this. While speaking at a forum in Detroit, a city in which the jobless rate soared past 24 percent in April, Bernanke […]
When Are Bad Credit Personal Loans a Good Choice |
Bad credit personal loans can help many Americans get through the rough spots in these tough financial times. With the three big banks (Chase, Citi and Capital One) making bad credit loans, it is easier than ever for those with bad credit to score a personal loan. Still, if you want a bad credit loan, […]