Personal loans for people with bad credit are becoming more and more common. The story is a familiar one in this economy; due to a variety of circumstances you’ve fallen on hard times, and need to get a loan to offer some relief. Unfortunately, these very same circumstances may have hurt your credit score, and […]
Author Archives: loansandcredit
What Banks Don't Want You to Know About Personal Loans |
When you are in need of some extra cash, a small personal loan could be the answer. While you could go to a payday loan or cash advance loan place, banks are the best place for personal loans. However, even when you go to a bank, you have to be aware of some “tactics” that […]
Can You Avoid Debt Consolidation By Changing Your Zip Code? |
Does the city in which you live determine whether your future is one filled with debt consolidation or one marked by wealth accumulation? It might. After all, if you live in a city that features a high rate of job growth, low unemployment levels, affordable housing prices and reasonable costs on other necessities such as […]
Leveling Foreclosures Bad News for Debt Consolidation Companies? |
The number of consumers turning to debt consolidation loans to prevent losing their home to foreclosure may finally be leveling off. At least that’s what a new report from, an online provider of housing foreclosure data, would lead you to believe. According to the company, the number of housing foreclosures across the country dropped […]
Debt Consolidation Loans May Boost Auto, Homeowners Insurance Rates |
Are you considering a debt consolidation loan? Be warned: You might have to pay more for your auto or homeowners insurance. The two might not seem to be related. But many insurance companies consider the three-digit credit scores of their clients when deciding how much they’ll have to pay for their auto or homeowners insurance. […]
Personal Loans for Debt Consolidation |
If you are up to your eyebrows in debt and feel out of control, personal loans can come to the rescue. In fact, the number one use of a personal line of credit is to consolidate unsecured debts. Debt consolidation offers many advantages to consumers such as reduced monthly payment amounts; a single payment per […]
Prepare Yourself: Three Tips for Securing your Financial Future |
Preparing yourself for your financial future is critical, especially now when the outlook seems darkest. Even though it may not seem like the time to better your financial future, with the economy in a recession, it is a “bear market” in the finance world right now, meaning that investor confidence is shaken so prices are […]
Instant Tax Refunds, Like all Cash Advances, Come with Hefty Fees |
Cash advances rarely save consumers money, no matter in what form they are taken. Payday loans, which provide consumers with cash to tide them over until their regular paychecks arrive, often come with high interest rates and origination fees. When consumers take cash advances from their credit cards, they are almost always socked with sky-high […]
Jobless Benefits Set to Expire |
Since Congress was unable to come to an agreement, the jobless will no longer be able to apply for federal unemployment benefits or the COBRA health insurance subsidy. Due to the extreme economic circumstances, Congress offered additional unemployment benefits beyond what the states presented. The expiration of those benefits means more than 1 million unemployed […]
Recession Cash: Personal Loans Less Popular than Cash Advances? |
According to trends being reported in the past few weeks, the amount of personal loans being taken out by consumers has dropped sharply. Yet, as fewer consumers borrow personal loans, the cash advance industry is growing and thriving. Why is one loan product decreasing at the same time that another, similar loan type is increasing? […]