When you have fair credit, it may seem frustrating trying to get the best personal loans since many financial institutions may want to check your credit and see if you have any collateral. When it comes to getting one of the best personal loans, you will need to shop around to see what each financial institution has to offer you. Some companies may offer a better deal than others. One thing you can do is to contact your bank that you do your personal banking with. They are one of the best places to start when looking for some of the best personal loans. You are already in good standing with the bank, so they may be able to offer you a personal loan. Find out what type of personal loans they offer and what their requirements are. Some banks offer mainly home equity loans.
Finance Company
If you own or lease a car, you more than likely make your payments to a finance company. The finance company can offer you a small personal loan. Your collateral will be your vehicle. They already have the title to your vehicle. The finance company will either combine the two bills or separate them. If you are interested in applying, contact your finance company by telephone and ask them if you qualify for a personal loan. If you do, they will set up an appointment, so that you can speak with a loan officer. You will more than likely receive the money the same day that you apply.
Go Back to School
This may be an option for you, if you need to get a personal loan without having to deal with a co-signer, credit check, or collateral. You will need to attend a school that offers financial aid through the Department of Education. Once you are accepted, fill out an online FAFSA form. In 30 days or less, you will receive a check in the mail.